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Sunday, April 15, 2012


WE haven't come across any ancient Viking burial sites, the dig can continue unabated.  The foundation is drying as I write this, Stephen and his boys have been busy in the workshop building window headers for eventual installation.

THE new pad is beginning to take some type of "concrete" form, (Chuckle) and  I, using my rather vivid imagination can picture myself sitting at my desk, looking down the valley, writing my novels!
The Diary of Charlie Weyburn or The Last Laugh, or Catfish Man, or It Ain't a Friggin Parrot... It's a Cockatoo!

OR working at my workbench, porting and polishing RD 350 cylinders, or washing the car, or tuning up the lawn mower...

BRENDA in her studio, painting up a masterpiece, the two of us sitting on the patio having a morning coffee/evening dinner, walking on the beach at midnight under a full Island moon, holding hands,  friends dropping by for a visit, Anna running about in the field, chucking a ball for 'Rover' to fetch...

HOPEFULLY before I leave the Island in less than one week, I will see the floor in place and maybe even the framing going up.  It would be great to be able to run out here every day or two and scope out the changes as they happen.  That won't be possible, but through digital media, we should be able to witness the construction only slightly delayed.  I've had several offers of photos and video to document the build.

YOU can see by the pics, the formation of the garage entrance doors, and the eventual driveway.  It's nearly 20A, so I will have plenty of room for my dirt bike, cutting walking paths with the lawnmower and building a deck.

ALL very very exciting.  It's been thirty seven years since I first rolled off the ferry and set wheel to pavement with my BMW motorcycle, and twenty one years since I left.

THE next time I am driving across the Confederation Bridge, I will have Cargomate in tow and Brenda and Anna salivating to see their new home.

I have it all planned now, each of us with a key to one of three doors, meeting somewhere in the middle of our new PEI home... can you picture it?

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