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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why do we do it?


I've been "talking" via email, with my buddy Dan these past few days like we often do.  I met him after his interest in an article I wrote for Canadian Biker about my travels in Europe in '08, particularly a visit to Auschwitz that really drove home the tragedies that war really represents.

Dan lives in Golden B.C.  (that's British Columbia for my American friends) He's one of those guys that clears away the avalanches that periodically hit the highways during our Rocky Mountain winters.  Really just a little boy playing with trucks in a larger sandbox...

We talk about the usual stuff... women, bikes, riding, weather, women and riding bikes mostly, however there is a bit of philosophy that makes it's way into our conversations at times.  Words of wisdom so to speak. 

(Dan is a die hard Yamaha fan although his race bike is a different brand!)

Dan became a motorcycle road racer at age 45.  I'm sure he wouldn't mind my divulging that, his age I mean.  He's actually very proud of mixing it up with the guys even though he began late. 

He's telling me that he is giving it another shot at winning a title.  He mentions in an email today, how he really is in it for the enjoyment anyway.  That winning a trophy is secondary to the challenge of doing it.  Having been a racer myself, I know exactly what he means.

For most racers, it's not the winning that matters, it's the doing.  It's certainly not the fame and fortune is it.  In fact there is a long time joke circulating about racing and money, goes like this;

"Wanna be a millionaire racing (fill in blank here), start with 2 million bucks!"

Nope certainly not the cash... we do it because we love doing it.  Now there is a lesson in life that many could stand to learn.

When you love something, are passionate about an idea or a thought, just do it.  The hard part is making the decision, once that's done, the doing becomes a lot easier!  What have you got to lose?  What could you gain?  Confidence, experience, self esteem... yepper, you could.

I liken it to love, yes that's right, love... this doesn't necessarily have to be a person although in many cases it is.  It could be an activity such as road racing, writing or drinking beer.

If you are able to genuinely feel that emotion, you've been handed the cake. 

If it comes back to you from some quarter, that is the icing on top. 

When it comes back to you from the sources most dear to yourself... my friends, you've just bit into the cherry!

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