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Friday, March 1, 2019

Spring and another riding season, inches it's way closer.

No... I'm not riding a motorcycle!  It's a posted -31 with the wind chill according to Radio 103 "your Moncton Rock station," as I bypass the growing city on my way to Rothesay N.B. for a late winter visit.

High winds and blowing snow caused poor driving initially

It's been months since I was off the Island and once again on this trip, albeit while driving, I can't help but be impressed with the scenery of the Maritime provinces.  Living in the land of four seasons, the impact I felt driving from the bridge crossing over an ice filled strait, to forests to ancient mountains filled with semi frozen running streams to the little burgs you drive though on the way.

It's obvious to me that there is some prosperity accompanied by a positive buzz in contrast to when I last lived here in the '80's .  Can't quite put a finger on it but the evidence of construction, fewer For Sale signs, newer cars and trucks, lots of traffic in downtown Moncton and St John, the proliferation of funky bistro's, cafe's and of course the chain stores all point to something happn'!

Deer in the back yard Shipyard road
The highway was pretty good once I'd reached the outskirts of Shediac and got better after passing Magnetic Hill.

I drove the Caliber R/T that I bought from Lisa a few years ago, the same car I had found her to buy some years back while we all lived in Calgary, a city that sees winter and often the worst of it and of course sits on the cusp of the Rockies.  The variation in elevation among the city's streets was a natural match for the R/T's AWD system or perhaps vice versa!

I activated the cruise control function on a mostly sparse Trans Canada highway and while sitting comfortably in the right hand lane of the divided road, listening to some familiar music, I was reminiscing on my various bike rides already in this province, which btw, is the only official bi-lingual language province in Canada.

AWD performs well

Normally, when riding my SYM or the Thunderbird or the V Strom or one of my other bikes, the 300 km auto/drive inevitably turns into a 6 or 8 hour ride!

Yesterday, looks like I was lucky to make it across just in the nick of time
When I ride, I never commit to a specific ETA as I often take many of the minor back roads. I may leave the Island at 9 am... and not arrive until dark!

On this drive, I was happy to let the cruise function save me some back pain from keeping the speed via my right foot. It was toasty warm inside the cockpit and with so little traffic, I concentrated on the country-side and kept an eye out for animals, especially deer that inhabit every part of the province.

It was a very pleasant visit, the first off Island for me in months and I'm amazed at my pirate buddy* William, who I simply refer as 'Prince' and how he is growing.  He's almost three and every time I see him he's more talkative and certainly more active.  I am on the lookout for a used PW50, if  you have one and want to sell...

Yup high winds across the Strait, caused delays on the bridge

The Golden's are doing well, it's coming up on two years, and they seem to have adapted to their new life in the Maritimes, both working... found a good day care center a few km from home.  The Outlaws moved down from Windsor (ONT) area adding a couple more new 'immigrants' to the East!

Nice to know that spring officially at least, is a mere 3 weeks away.

I for one, can't wait.  I have plans...

 * ARRrrrrr maties...

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