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Monday, April 11, 2011


There's this old biker dude, walking the beach in Malibu one sunny fall day.

He stumbles onto a half buried object, poking from the sand.  Digging it out with his heel, he sees a tarnished inscription.
He begins to rub it with the sleeve of his leather jacket.

To his utter astonishment, out pops this puff of smoke and there appears a very haggard looking *Genie...

"Thank you thank you, oh master"  the Genie says, "I've been in there for ten thousand years..."

The Biker being a fairly smart guy who rides a Japanese bike, says aloud, "Hey... you're a Genie!  You owe me three wishes..."

"Give me a break!"  The Genie doth protest, "It's been a very long time, I'm tired.  I'll give you one wish, make it a good one."

The biker dude thinks about this, if he only gets one wish, he does't want to waste it.  He's retired from Silicon Valley and doesn't really need the money, his kids are healthy, he has no desire for fame, what will it be?

Finally after a very long pause (in human time not Genie's) he says...

"I've always wanted to ride my bike to Hawaii."  pointing across the Pacific, "Build me a bridge to Hawaii so my friends and I could ride over there..." 

"Are you completely Nuts!!"  The Genie exclaims, "That's five thousand miles of Ocean, huge waves, major Typhoons, countless ships of all types, immense fog... no no no, it's totally impossible, out of the question, even for a Genie, unthinkable, far far too risky and dangerous.  You will have to think of something else..."

The biker sees his point, and thinks some more.  It takes a while but he comes up with an alternative...

"Okay, I've got it... I'm nearly 60.  During my whole life I have never been able to really understand women.  They seem to me to be an enigma wrapped nicely in a contradiction.  Before I die, I would sure like to know what makes them tick... how they think, what they really want..."

The Genie, arms crossed in defiance, now drops his gaurd totally.  He sighs a very long and heavy sigh, pauses and then says to the biker...

scroll down

"Will that to be two lanes, or four..."

*not Barbara Eden

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