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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Just thinking...

Hi all... haven't been on here much, but there are reasons for that. 

In two words... "early winter"

Seems I have been clearing the driveway every 4-5 days.  No ball busting 10 foot high drifts, but each time a foot or so with the occasional 3 foot hill.  Once I do my yard, I head into the "City" of Summerside (where it is neither summer at the moment nor is it much of a city) if you quote the population.  A couple of streets in L.A. would have a higher pop!

My two vintage trials bikes (a Honda TL 125 and a Yamaha TY 175) have made it into the garage proper last fall and are both on the work-stands but circumstances beyond my control prevent me from raising a wrench on them.

Besides the snow clearing here at home I go in the next day if at all possible and using my walk behind snow blower, pick-up where one of my tenants shovels and I clear what the hired blower guy does with his big unit.

Renovated unit looking for a new tenant.

While on the subject of Summerside/lack of spare time, we unexpectedly got word that one of the tenants was moving abruptly.  This in itself is not so bad but given the Misadventures in my life... he left behind some major reno work including but not limited to 4 basketball sized holes in the walls, a broken bedroom door and many other repairable but time consuming issues.

We've been working our arses off to get it turned around and are now in the viewing stage. The rental market here is very good at the moment with zero vacancy rate and our Kijiji ad garnered over a thousand views and dozens of inquiries, some of which of course can be immediately disregarded, like the lady I talked to that asked if she could "pay in installments"  I said "sure!  The first of the month, every month... you just hand over the rent, we're fine with that.

Today, prior to heading into town for some last minute work, also got a notification that one of our young tenants was giving notice.  She's been with us 3 years and it will be hard to see her go.  She was a model tenant.

Needless to say... the Indy Lite snowmobile is still sitting under the deck, poor thing.

The red fox has been around, pretty easy winter for those furry wild creatures with accumulated snow being hit by warmer weather and rain seems like every week. 

Such pretty creatures
Including today

Hard life being a wild critter.

While on that subject, my elder daughter landed last week with new born baby, to show off for a short stay before heading back soon to home in Seattle.

So... as you can see, it hasn't been lack of desire although that sometimes bares it's ugly head. Just dang busy.

Cheers for now everyone.

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