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Saturday, October 11, 2014

The MAN list!

I have a very long list of items requiring attention each spring and fall.  Last two weeks have involved getting some bodywork done on my pick-up truck, to winterizing the bikes.

Here's an example, can you relate?

service ATV, install blade.
service snowblower.
make sure shovels are in their location.
make certain winter emergency kit including shovel is in Blazer.
service Blazer.
make sure batteries are removed and rotated on chargers.
check oil in vehicles.
block car and cover.
stow bikes, mowers and lawn eqipment.
drain hoses.
winterize RV.
build recycle bin.

Besides all this, I spend some time at my Man cave in Glendale AZ.  That means I have to:

have all my travel docs up to date and in order.
USD draft.
pack electronics for trip.
pack special tools needed this time.
reserve shuttle bus.
triple check all flight schedules.

I cut the lawn a last time although growth has slowed to a snail's pace.  Cut a swath to add to my little grass track, easier now while its dry than in the spring when there will be run-off flowing down our little ravine.  Mice scattering from in front of the mower...

Get the picture?

I wonder how I had time to do all this "stuff" when I was working full time, boggles my simple mind.

Well at least we had a nice walk through our woods today.  Leaves have begun changing although it is still pretty warm day and night.  We're still showing daytime highs of mid teens.  Fall is the best time to roam around in the bush, kinda 'Mantracker' like.  I practice using my compass, maintaining a set direction.  That can be very helpful when I get down south.  It's hard to tell which direction you are going in once you are out of the city and away from landmarks.

Anyway, nothing real glamorous to report, just another day in the life of...

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