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Tuesday, July 1, 2014


TO say I am proud to be Canadian, would be an understatement.

Having arrived in Canada from a war ravaged Hungary, in 1957... my small family did their best to blend in.  Sure there were Hungarian dances and weddings to go to, parties where the Red White and Green were on display, and yes we spoke Hungarian in my house, but... Mom and Dad were truly proud saying the oath of citizenship and contributing to their, our... new home on this aide of the pond.

Spring Valley community center

There's been plenty of immigrants arrived here over the decades, like us some came from war torn backgrounds.  There are some that don't feel much like assimilating and while this is nothing like Star Trek and the Borg... it is about adopting the customs, language and mannerisms of your new country.

You don't have to become part of the collective to do this, but it sure helps if you do become a true Canadian, proud to be one and proud of the country we live in!

We went to a Canada Day celebration at our little community hall in Spring Valley.  About 50 people, most long timers here on the Island, but several newbies, like ourselves.  I had a great time actually for several reasons, the raising of the flag for one (always makes me shiver), the singing of the national anthem, and finding the jacket I thought I'd lost some time back... "Brenda, have you seen my red, white and black summer jacket?  I haven't seen it for ages..."

Local politician Wes Sheridan

Turns out last fall I had left it behind at the community center and today, I got it back, like a long lost friend!

Not sure if Brenda swallowed a lemon, or if Ken's joke was that bad

After that we headed into Summerside and it was indeed summer the last few days.  Sunday at Cousin's shore, yesterday on a road trip with Mike and today... over 30 degrees each day.

Mr Mike and his new Sherpa
Mike and I drove over to Salisbury a few miles beyond Moncton NB, to buy a Kawasaki Sherpa for him from a very nice retired gentleman.  I spent the better part of last evening making adjustments, checking over and generally getting the bike ready for Mikey to try dual sporting in place of V Starring.

Anyway... we had a very nice Dominion Day as I still call it, maybe even will see some fireworks somewhere tonight...

Proud to be living in the land of the maple leaf!

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