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Friday, February 21, 2014

F O X Y !

OUR resident red fox has been around regularly lately.  We know it's the same female that has been here for several years.  She has a slight limp originating in her right rear leg.  Certainly not enough to handicap her, but it is noticeable when she trots.

Winter has been a mixed bag.  A lot more snow than our inaugural year, interspersed with rain and warm temperatures. 

She's been hunting rodents, sitting intently for long periods of time listening under the snow cover.  A quick pounce, and maybe a mouse or vole for a snack.  I've noticed her coming close to the house, setting off the motion activated lights.

There is some construction wood piled under our deck and given the cover and warmth from the house, it's a veritable condo complex for mice.  I am quite certain that in the wee hours, she is prowling right next to the house.

Tomorrow I am going to (finally) take the sled for a ride.  I serviced the Polaris upon my return from Phoenix, but for one reason or other have not had a decent opportunity to use her.  There has been ample opportunity though to use the Cadet and the Big Bear.  It seems every couple of days there is a fresh batch of snow.

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