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Saturday, October 20, 2012


 HAS been somewhat, ahem... slow on the new digs.

Given the myriad of problems associated with building a home 5000 km away, when those very people that tell you they are "connected" can't be bothered even answering questions that are paramount to the ultimate success or failure of the project, the complexities of preparing and selling a long time home, dealing with the countless problems and stresses brought on by such things... it's no wonder.

WE'RE here.

Not all of our possesions are, but at least the living breathing portions have landed.

Downstairs there are a literal ton of boxes yet to be emptied.  Others yet to arrive.  Hopefully in the not too distant future.

AFTER a month or so of cat and mouse with the guys doing our excavation, finally we got co-ordinated and had the crew out to finish the exterior leveling and laying the driveway surface.

We are using a recycled asphalt over a shale bed.  This stuff is laid on and then tamped and rolled. 


YESTERDAY we had a construction driveway, complete with wash-outs and various sized pot holes... today we have a well defined, semi hard surfaced parking pad and driveway.

Still lots to do around the exterior of the place, seeding the newly arrived topsoil for spring grass.

THE Old/New homestead is beginning to take shape. 

Inside has seen a building project of new dressers and bookcases, setting appliances out on still unfinished cabinets, wondering if we will ever have a finished home.  There are lights to put in place, sinks to finish and of course the ongoing debate about our cupboards is still up in the air...

the exterior is coming along and none too soon either, after all... it is nearly the end of October, we are way behind.

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