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Monday, June 21, 2010



I can't believe it. Of course when Marcel (his real name) notified me about the annual CDPM club rally coming up in June... I began to ready my 'lectric vest, heavy gauntlets, polar fleece, socks and underwear... and... rain gear. The way it's been going around here, I figured I'd be safe. I even thought of draining the 10-40 and putting straight 10 into the crankcase.

Imagine my absolute amazement when the Saturday in question dawned bright. Cold yes, but sunny. Given that the week before I was virtually rained out while up in the L.A. (Leduc Alberta) region, and you can just feel my astonishment.

When I'd reached the jumping off point in *Tuscany?! at 8.33 am, I was greeted by warming temps and the wonderful glow that only Ol Sol can supply. Tuscany in this case, is about 5 km West of my home, and contained a Tim Horton's in the parking lot.

After a long wait in the coolness of the outdoor patio somehow situated on the North side of the building, where the sun never shines, we decided the group was gonna be rather small this time around.

After three hundred tries, (by a hapless passerby), to snap our departing photo's with an Olympus 'point and shoot' digital, we finally convinced the exasperated stranger (than most) to "push the button fully down and hold for a count of three." I'm not sure which part he wasn't able to grasp... the view in the lens, the button pushing part, or perhaps he could only count to 'two.' Nevertheless, an hour delayed, we headed the five brothers down the road, thru residential outskirts and into the Tuscan hills beyond.

In an hour, we were gassing up in Water Valley, snacking on granola bars and peeling clothes, the day pleasantly beginning to warm up into the mid teens.

Gently rolling countrysides, gravel roads (thankfully damp enough for the first half to keep the dust to a minimum), heading farther West into the Alberta foothills, with the Rockies in plain view.

My riding partners... John, Paul, George and Ringo (not their real names) cruised calmly? on their Dualies enjoying the days ride. We had along both an oldish and newish DR 650 Suzuki, a little Doctor DR 200 Peter, umm... I mean Paul's Moto Guzzi, and my venerable veteran of many long dual purpose campaigns, XT 600.

The band was commenting on a similar ride we'd done in '03, when still very much recovering from my rear ender the previous year, I had ridden a very wet Spring ride, on my DT50. They still think it was a hoot, and I can vouch for that.

By the time we were near civilization again (Cochrane AB) the boys were pretty famished, after all... get five hungry men along, riding nearly 300 kilometers of roads varying from heavily travelled pavement, wriggling little back roads and gravelled dustbowls, and we could eat a horse between us!

Instead, we pulled into the 'Salt and Peppa' Mejicano restarant, and filled our bellies with real Mexican fare. Between us, we had so many refried beans, we could have floated the Hindenburg that night!

A good day was had by all, I'd venture to say. The weather eventually made it into the low twenties, and even though it wasn't Baja... Marcel regaled us with tales of riding from Canada to Mexico on his Bandit... in one day!
Even the Dr. of N. Thusiasm is not that crazy! I'd once driven from Mulege to Calgary to see a (I drove all niiiight, just to beee with you...) girlfriend, but that drive took 2 1/2 days... and I was punch drunk when I got here.

I even got to take my MGB for a little hop today, picking up my current 'main squeeze' and walking along the Bow river pathway, stopping at Angel's for a bit o lunch...
You'all should come visit and try this stuff sometime.

Summer... may finally have arrived.
Cross your fingers here :)

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