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Sunday, July 5, 2020

My BEST pals...

The importance of  furry creatures in our lives.

Some times someone gets out of joint because I blog (babble?) about my cats, or animals in general. 

If you think I do... I have just two words... Too Bad!

I love animals and cats in particular.  I'm still cautious of big dogs... my boyhood memory of two white Husky's dragging me around our corner lot in the community of Kensington...  Edmonton, not PEI, AB.  Not their fault of course but when you get a bunch of kids hanging out playing games, one of which involved a well chewed "rag doll" a 4-5 year old and fear!

The scars of sharp teeth and jaws are still visible 60 years later.  Shame because I think I would be a great "Dog guy." 

Anyway... I made up for it by supporting the Meow  sect, having grown up with dozens of cats with a special bond with those that were in need of homes, loving and caring, especially those that really were on their last lives.  Many that know me refer to me as the Cat Whisperer! Don't know how much truth there is to such things but certainly many of my feline friends needed someone in their corner. 

I've unabashedly often put my furry pals above my two legged ones. 

I'm so much a cat guy that for the years I "dated," my bio specifically pointed out that I was a "Cat Guy"  and if your weren't a cat gal... not to bother clicking on my stats!

As I sit here at my desk on Spring Valley PEI, I have Coco nagging me for more food Dad!

She is the cat I found under the tarp of the Ascot at my home in Glendale AZ about 3 years ago.  She was very shy had obviously been in distress, but a patient week with food (I was already feeding Boo my own lone pal from next door)  Over the next couple weeks as she became bolder, I could tell she had a hard life.  She had at one time a broken tail, lower jaw and suffers from seizures. In other words, she was exactly what I was attracted to.  Boo wasn't keen on having to share me and my digs but I think she came to accept Coco, who I named after Coca Cola.  I tried to fly her home with me that December but rules didn't allow it.  Quick brainstorming between neighbor Judy and her sister in law and we had some assurance that Coco (from my Coco days) was well placed for the winter.

As often happens, that winter I planned her escape and I made my way back to Phx the following spring, I got her check-up.  Shots, transient papers and I was rocking in anticipation.  That's how it came to be. 

A couple of years have passed and apart the tremors and seizures and the occasional punch up with Willy, we're doing okay.


Okay, back to Motorcycles...  

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