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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If I were one of the dwarfs...

I could be Goofy...

I could be Sleepy...

or I could be Sicky!  And I am... I've had the monster energy zapping flu bug for a week.

The drive so far has been, well...

Pretty Much a nightmare from Hell frozen over.

Now keep in mind, I know what I am talking about here.  After all, I'd driven Highway 63 about a hundred times in the old days, where -40 (on either scale) was pretty much death  if you had problems, and I did on occasion.

I'd driven Highway 2, and everyone knows that when the blizzards hit from the Rockies, if you can see 10 feet... you're dang lucky.

Then there's PEI, where a white out resembled a State wide KKK convention jammed into a little 10X10 room!

Many times visibility was less than 12 inches.

But today, the drive thru Montana over the Monida pass and into Idaho (closed for several days) was almost too much to handle.  Going into and leaving Idaho Falls, I saw so many cars, RV's and Semi's in the ditches, I lost count.

Wanna hear something funny.  On gridlock SLC I 15 traffic, where we are alternately moving at light speed or not at all... I am startled by a Big Dualie zooming by me in the HOV lane!  Too bad it was dark, cuz that would have been a good pic!  Keep mind... the roads are ice covered for the most part!

More later...


  1. Holy crap! It looks like the middle of January out there.

  2. guess i should have escorted you with a plow/sand truck LOL

