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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Down Under...

Occasionally I have a Guest Blog on these pages.  I welcome these stories and they are from real people doing real things.  We're not professional road tester's but rather professional 'enthusiasts' as my handle suggests.

Years ago while in the motorcycle industry as an employee or in my own shops I would use whatever means I had at hand to comment, teach, inform, or enthuse other's to take up motorcycling.

I've been asked how my "Dr.N Thusiast label came about, it's a fun and short story.  I was putting together some thoughts I had about advertising my products, usually with ad people in print or TV.  One day while working with a newspaper ad sales person who I'd had worked with over some time, brainstorming (some people claim I have less than half a brain, so it shouldn't take long) about some ads I wanted to run.  He commented to me about my enthusiastic demeanor, with this quip... "you're the most enthusiastic guy I work with..." and started calling me Mr. Enthusiast.  Sometime later, after a particularly long session as the coffee flowed late into the night, we concocted an ad campaign  that was quite funny, had impact and realizing it was nearing midnight, giddy with the result, he says to me... "Man, you're not just Mr. Enthusiast..." but that I had a PHD* in Enthusiasm, and thus I came to be the "Dr. of Enthusiasm." or Dr.N for short!

Anyway... I digress...

Recently, very long time pal, Ron Moropito, enjoyed a motorcycling trip to visit friends in New Zealand down under, courtesy of his lovely daughter.  She'd pay the trip, he'd pick up the incidentals.

He's agreed to write up and send some photographs of his experiences on the other side of the earth.  Stay tuned, we'll try and get this out on the blog shortly.  Ron assures me he is downloading his hundreds of photos so we can expect something pretty soon.

Here's a couple he just sent me...       

I know this is a Harvard or Anson as some were called.  Two seat's so I wonder if Ron handled the stick at all.

Obviously this is a McDonald airlines DC-3

*PHD is that Personal Hair Design?
Now I'm not 100% sure which of these he flew on, but I'll get more info later.

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