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Friday, June 20, 2014

British Columbia Canada

EARLY in my life, as I'd previously mentioned, my parents began taking me for their holidays in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. 

For my American friends, much of western Canada is part of what is commonly known as "The Great Western Desert"  For those living in CA or AZ... you may be surprised that much of Montana, Washington state and  parts of Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C. are quite dry and arid.  Yup, there are even rattlesnakes hiding in them there cracks and crevices! 

I had even bought a retirement lot there while still in my teens!  That was traded as part of the cost of a new home in town, but alas... we moved east to PEI instead.

Over the years since the early 70's I had driven and ridden to the Valley countless times.  I always loved the route and though it has been massaged, unbent, widened and generally made safer and less exciting to travel, it is still nonetheless, beautiful.

During Lisa and Ricks recent nuptials, we once again became acquainted with the Trans Can.

Although I was driving wheels made by Toyota vs Yamaha... it brought back so many good memories that Brenda and I, talked about, perhaps, just maybe, possibly moving there when we really retire.  It would be at least 5 years into the future but like I always say... never say never.  Besides, I'd continue biking out there and home is where you hang your helmet, right!


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