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Thursday, March 1, 2012


IT'S March first today.  Yes I know how to read a calendar, officially I'm 20 days early. The weather report says it's 12 below zero C, and the cute gal on T.V. tells me there are near white out conditions in Ontario and the Maritimes...

But, to me when you see the first of March, the days getting longer the nights shorter, I feel like we are "over the hump"  It's only another month to the season opening.

Lisa arrived back from her whirlwind tour with her siste, of Holland, Germany, Portugal, Morocco and France.  Holly dropped by from Dusseldorf for a visit yesterday, before heading off next week to Beijing for 6 months.  Phoenix is spending more time outdoors.

For me, an even more intense time begins today.  We are down to the wire on the home building plans, trying to get the final costing... as much as that is possible together, before I myself begin 10,000 km worth of road trips.  In the meanwhile a myriad of details, chores, checklists and yes, even a prayer or two are underway.  It's a huge leap for me/us and yes of course, it seems my whole life has seen more than it's share of leaps.


Anyone that has ever been through a job or career change, a marraige or divorce, childbirth, bankruptcy, lottery win, move or relocation knows what I mean.  For myself, every ten years or so, I feel like making a major change, this one is overdue.  Timing being what it is, we can't always control forces beyond our control.  We do the best we can...

I'm excited!

But on the other, it is pretty dang stressful.  I envy those people that steer through life somewhat haphazardly and yet it works for them.  Us Capricorns are not quite so lucky.  We work hard at making things happen.  

So... here we are, another spring on the way.  Along with that new beginnings and new endings.  Flowers blooming, birds chirping and oil changes.

Can't wait.

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