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Monday, November 21, 2011

Flashback Hungary

Erzsebet hid/Elizabeth bridge
 WHEN I arrived in Hungary, after a very long wait of 38 years, I was greeted not only by family, but a time warp.

electric mower, not a toy
HISTORICALLy BUDAPEST is one of the great capitals the World has to offer.  I'm not referring strictly to the Grand Period of the Austro Hungarian Empire, but over a span of a thousand years, centrally located in Eastern Europe, the city has been a trade, learning, cultural and religious center.
Streets have hand water pumps
WITHIN days I was in the countryside to greet Aunt Bozsi, my cousin Erzsi and the rest of the clan.

AS Berti and I approached the village of Jaszkiser, driving the Lada sedan, I could clearly remember the entrance way, the train station and the main street, from the only previous visit I'd had in 1970.
I didn't know at the time what a hellova treat I was in for.  Over the course of that entire summer, and as it turned out, several months of the following year, I would experience a massive influx into my heart and brain of culture, tradition, history and family.

BEFORE the first week, my senses, my emotions, my mind and my body were so overloaded, I could barely stand on my own two feet.  The eight hour time difference and the considerable attention lavished upon me, plumb near wore me out.

AS the second week came and went, and I'd had a chance to acclimate myself to a very different country than the one I had spent my life in, I was catching up on sleep and my breath.

Albert and his CDN cousins.
 DURING this period, both my daughters arrived for a scant week for their own visit. 


I felt they were there for my moral support and whether this was the case or not... it was appreciated greatly.

EUROPE... the Doctor had arrived...

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