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Tuesday, September 27, 2011



YOU guys know I am a "cat boy"

Einstein doing what he liked to do most!

Since I was a kid, I have had a cat or cats.  There was Smokey in the very beginning, right on up to Einstein, he was with me for almost 20 years.

In his prime...master of the house.

I get a great deal of pleasure having felines around.

Loved to help me when I was working.

They all have such different personalities, very much like people do.

Jungle cat, Lil Phoenix at home in Calgary

Some I was given, others were strays like Lil Phoenix.  A friendly feral kitten, Anna picked up and brought home last year in Phoenix, hence the moniker.

Snoopy, in her latter days.  Up on her perch.

Snoop we thought was a boy pal for Einstein... turned out that was wrong.  She had 6 kittens one Halloween night, and was with me until her premature death in '05.  Like her daughter before her, they both died of kidney failure.

Einstein again, waiting patiently for me to arrive

I have had nearly as many cats as I've had motorcycles.

Spirit was another jungle cat

Some lasted a very long time, like my catboy Einstein.  Others like little Spirit here, orphaned... too short a time, three years in her case.  She disappeared one day.

Why we put the toilet seat down around my place!

They comfort you, soothe you, admonish you when you're late arriving.

Inside or out... jungle kitty

But no matter what, they love you unconditionally.

A very young Jaxie... Lisa's putty cat.

Whether indoor cats like Jaxie here, or wanderers like Spirit was...

My boy Phx

All of them have been extra special to me.

New arrival, Willy.  19 yoa and counting.

Even Willy, part of the family including Brenda and Anna.  The old gal is 19 now and still manages to hold her own with Phx around, still surprises me by running around, jumping onto and from objects, fences and toilet seats.

Loves to snooze.

Like most cats, she spends 21 hours a day snoozing.

Preferably on a soft bed

Always on the lookout for a sunbeam cutting across the carpet, a warm pillow or lap.

Don't they all!

They have to be the most placid, contradictory creatures invented.

I mean, look at that face!  Content or what.

Course... without my glasses, it's an easy mistake to make.

Just today, after the cat nip... I realized I've been giving them dried parsley flakes for quite some time.  Maybe that's got something to do with it.

Cats... gotta love em!

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