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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

AND ON.......

DECIDED to add a few photos, as I will soon be out of P.U.R.R. *

Not sure, but they were looking at me verrrry intently... obviously recognized me as a Cat Guy!
Castle Krasna Horka in southern Slovakia

Hmmmm.... oh where oh where shall I go now.......... ponder, ponder....

Notice the holes in the suit on the right!!

AND ON............

Yup, even have to do laundry on the road :)

These are various guises of "fifties" No plate required in most places.

seen at a resort, go figure eh! What's next... Tim Horton's ?!

AND ON..............................

The Bukk mountains Hungary's second highest point, just under 1000 M

Oh just another spectacular castle on just another CZ hilltop...

And people tell me I've gone around the bend! Hell, I'm not even half way there!

No Brakes... Not a happy camper!

AND ON..........................

I was just reading my FAVE magazine while whiling away the minutes, relaxing in the sunshine.


"What a handsome guy... "
You know I was over at Aunt Bozsi's for my usual midday walk and lunch... she's an amazingly smart woman who has seen much in her lifetime. The American B-24s by the hundreds fying overhead to drop their HE bombs on the Ploesti oil fields or the Bridges in Budapest. She's seen the coming and going (?) of the Communist regimes, the massive changes taking place in her country... the economic hardships. Yet she is still optimistic and certainly a little tiny (4'8") bundle of Energizer Bunny enthusiasm. You can learn an awful lot about life from someone that has lived it!
On the way home I stopped to watch a little black ant dragging a 'carcass' of some insect across the sidewalk. It was fascinating to me... after all, this tiny 2 mm creature towing what to us, would be the equivalent of a Woolly Mammoth clenched in our jaws, a distance of perhaps 10kms, and yet here it is, going about it's business oblivious to me, or the world around it.
I thought to myself, we humans are much the same as this ant (except not as single minded... perhaps) We go about our lives dragging the carcasses of 'work, fear, worry, threat' whether real or percieved, hardly stopping to actually enjoy life. Now of course we aren't ants. We have brains and hearts (well some of us do) so we have the option of choosing, which brings me back to my earlier Blog (I sooooo like that word, who thought that up anyway?!)
Why do we choose to toil away like ants, singlemindedly living to work, rather than working at living...
Now that, is the $64,000 question...
P.U.R.R. * photo upload requirement range

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