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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

I'm Baccccckkk...

Good day everyone.  I'm back at my home in Canada, back at my computer and back on the Blog.

First a little explanation. Back in the days I was a financial adviser, I used  heavy security between myself and my clients and brokerage.  Many of those protocols still work like for example, my home "address". When I am down south, I use a secure network I have permission on.  Typically I carry my netbook or tablet and phone of course. This time in addition I took my current laptop without any thought that it would cause problems. Well very quickly I realized that between the security measures, and occasional cat laying on top of my warm keyboard, I lost access to pretty much everything but the basics.  Google and I came to blows (!) almost, with what seemed like an endless stream of, resets, passwords etc. I ended up using my mobile for much of my communication.

Now that I am home and sorted, I should be able to blog on as before.

You'll have to bear with me, I have lots of things to do, the least of which, spring has most definitely sprung here on the East Coast of Canada.  While away, the strait cleared of ice and yesterday I got several of my bikes readied for the season, including registration, insurance etc. 

Of course even though they are on trickle, seems I will be replacing a couple of batteries anyway. Yesterday picked one up for the Serow and now my Citicom will likely need a replacement as well. The Serow Yuasa was last replaced in 2014, the DL 650, I replaced this week even though it was replaced twice in the last 3 years and maybe the lawn tractor as well.  Don't anyone tell you riding is "cheap" at a hundred bucks a crack!

I don't even know where to start but what I will do is add a few pics to get the gears rolling and then begin the catch up of the last 6 weeks.

Cover off, getting ready to service my "Mule" the Adventure 150 

Serviced and ready for the season

Temps when I arrived early April already as high as 100F

One of my favorite walks, the Ranch.

On the outskirts of the city, White Mountains in the background.

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